Monday, 5 March 2012

Keeping Things Organized

We wanted to be organized in almost everything, may it be inside the house, our schedule, work and in our family but it will only happen if everything is planned accordingly. In order to get organized, it have to start in yourself first. Know your priorities, forget what's not important and focus on the things that matter to you the most. Being organized takes a lot of time and it won't happen overnight.
<a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-2921 aligncenter" title="aaaa" src="" alt="" width="300" height="126" /></a>
Thee most important thing to do is to write down all the things that you need to finish on a certain day like cleaning the children's bedroom, rearranging the library room and doing the laundry. Next is to have a list. What to do during weekdays and what to finish during weekends. Is it going to be a family day or grocery shopping day? When you write it down in a paper, it might get lost so you have to start all over again. Good thing there is vision board online, Clipix and will help you get organized in no time. You may download this as an application in your iPhone or put it in your social networking profiles.
This is a sample of my clipboard. I keep those food I want to cook in clipix clipboard so that I can remember which one did I cooked already and which are not. You can put everything there with no limit. You can also share it friends if you want. I will also put all the things I need to buy in my next grocery shopping so I won't forget them and the articles I need to read to keep me updated.

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1 comment:

k and k world said...

great tools to use! happy weekend!


- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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