This passed few weeks I got really few review, since I lost my pr last month (February 26) and I understood that because I have 0 pr (page rank). After a month I am really curious because I don´t get back my pr so that made me think "maybe something wrong with my Google account" so I tried to read my Google account and tried to learn how it works. Notice that before I started with my blog I never thought that Google is really important to get a high rank but since now I knew about this I tried to read about "how Google works or how important for the blog rank".
I open my Google account and start to get to know Mr. Google and I just found out that my blog Site is unverified and it made me sad because it means my work for my blog for almost a month was not counted by Mr. Google so I fixed it and now it´s better and I knew a little bit about how Mr. Google important for a blog.
I´m looking forward to get back my pr and I hope Mr. Google will update soon (laugh). I been working hard with my blog- posting almost everyday, visit other blog, leave a comment and drop Entrecard and so on. I´m so dedicated to works with my blog since I am starting to love it because this is the way I can speak up and met new different people all over the world. Living here in Sweden is not easy but with the help of my loving husband and friends it´s worth living here in foreign country eventhough I miss my family and friend back in Philippines.